Jessica tells a story about a driver who lost his mind with her. Pop and Elyse tell about their recent trip. Pop had a fun situation with the car rental service. Then Jess closes the podcast out with a devotional on Hebrews 5:1-3.
Joel and Jessica decide to tell stories about Phil and Elyse while they are not around. We laugh a bunch. You will get to know our family a bit better. Joel closes us out with a great devotional on numbering our days.
In this episode Steve Viars joins us to talk about how his church, Faith Church, has decided to care for those in their community. You need to hear about what his church has done to love those in Lafayette, Indiana. Then he talks to us about his book Loving Your Community.
We welcome Joel back to the show after a few weeks off. We talk about some hilarious news stories that Fitzfaithfuls have sent in. Then we discuss a question from a Fitzfaithful about Christians drinking alcohol.