We start the podcast with an accidental devotional as we talk about this blog. Then we transition into probably the most horrifying podcast ever. You have been warned.
This week the whole crew is back. It's one of those episode that makes you think "this family is crazy". If you hate it when Joel and Jess let Elyse and Phil say a complete sentence you will love this episode. Joel then redeems himself by giving us a great Devotional on 1 Samuel 14.
On this week's episode Wendy Alsup joins us to talk about her books. And she gives us an excellent devotional on cups of water in the wilderness. Join us, you will be encouraged.
In this very special episode, we have two Fitzfaithfuls from the UK set us straight about the UK. Guys, we laugh a bunch. These ladies are salty in the best way. Then they close us out with a devotional from 1 John.